Leap Of Faith
Well, to make a long story very short, I am going to start the process of getting everything together to move to Australia. If I could really have my way I would go around September or October, however, it makes more sense for me to wait and go a year from now. So hopefully, next January I will have just (or be about to) move to Sydney. That way, I can move home in August (something that will probably be great and terrible all at the same time) and save some money. Also, this means I won't get down to Sydney and either have to pay $1200+ to fly right back in December for Christmas, OR have to miss Christmas because I can't afford to fly back. I don't know what I'll do when I get there - obviously the first thing I would try is getting a teaching job, but who knows if that would be a possibility. I don't even know what I am going to do in August when I have to leave fabulous Wilmington for Goldsboro. I think that will be the hardest part of the whole process... maybe not, but it will seem like it at the time. I have no community in Goldsboro anymore. I mean, tons of people that I went to high school with are still there, but there are MAYBE one or two that I actually still somewhat keep in touch with, and I don't even do that well. There is no church that I am even remotely excited to be a part of there. I don't even know what I will do for a job. I guess I'll cross all of those bridges when I get to them. All I'm sayin' is, Josh and Bekah, if you are reading this, be prepared to have a frequent house guest (who you LOVE) named MC because I am pretty sure I'll be in Wilmington every opportunity I can get. Either way, if everything works out, I'm moving to Australia! Caroline, you should be proud. :)