The Things We (I) Take For Granted

Things I am really missing about living in Wilmington right now:
- riding around looking at Christmas lights with a certain 2 faves
- K38
- 5605
- Emily
- Andrea
- my married roommates ("Mom & Dad")
- the fact that Renee is IN Wilmington AGAIN (this time with husb)

- the smell of the ocean in winter
- Johnny Mercer's Pier
This entire list is about my friends (either directly or indirectly). I mean they are pretty awesome... but they aren't in Goldsboro which SUCKS. However, I am starting to feel a little more a part at school these days and that's been fun. I will be in Wilmington this weekend and I plan to experience ALL of these things. All I have to do is make it through the 1.5 days of school, the school Christmas concert, the pizza party for the school pageant contestants, and our classroom Christmas party. Then I am FREE until 2010! (If you don't count the teacher workday on Monday.)

The best part of life is when your family becomes your friends, and your friends become your family.
Diane Sawyer


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